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Ajdovščina Open 2024

Competition Date: Sunday, June 16, 2024

Venue: Hall of the First Slovenian Government, Trg 1. slovenske vlade 1, 5270 Ajdovščina

Organizer: ŠD Čaven Ajdovščina

Start of competition: at 10:00

Deadline for registration confirmation: from 9:00 to 9:45

Playing system: 9 rounds according to the Swiss system. After the 5th round, catering will be provided.

Playing time: 10 minutes + 5 seconds per move per player. The games will be played according to the FIDE rules for rapid chess. The tournament will be registered for FIDE rapid rating.

Eligibility: First 70 registrants.

Entry fee: €25.00. The fee should be paid to the account of ŠD Čaven Ajdovščina, Štrancarjeva 8, 5270 Ajdovscina, IBAN: SI56 6400 0940 2075 084, SWIFT: HKVISI22. Payment of the entry fee on the day of the tournament is not possible. Due to the preparation of the hall, pre-registration by June 14, 2024, at 24:00 is mandatory, exclusively to the email address

Criteria for ranking (in order of consideration):

higher number of basic (chess) points, mutual result(s) (if all players in the same score group have played among themselves), Buchholz-1 (excluding the worst opponent), Buchholz coefficient, greater number of games played with black pieces, greater number of wins (excluding games won by default or when a player is free). If none of these criteria decide any of the top three places, a subsequent blitz duel will be played (pieces colors will be drawn, 3 minutes + 2 seconds per move for each player for the entire game).

Prizes: Reimbursement of expenses totalling €1700 net.

1st place: €600, 2nd place: €300, 3rd place: €100. Best under 1800 ELO: €100, under 2000 ELO: €100, under 2200 ELO: €100, woman: €100, senior (U65): €100, junior (U18): €100, member of ŠD Čaven: €100.  Prizes are mutually exclusive.

Equipment: The organizer will provide chess sets and clocks.

Additional Information: Results will be posted on the website of the Slovenian Chess Federation. The chief arbiter will be determined later by the organizer. By participating in the tournament, players agree to the competition terms. The event will proceed under the patronage of the Municipality of Ajdovščina. Chess players and their accompanying persons are not insured for health or accidents during the competition, thus the organizer assumes no liability for these matters.

Contact: David Trebižan, mobile: 040/370-981, email:


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Šahovsko društvo Čaven Ajdovščina
Štrancarjeva ulica 8, 5270 Ajdovščina
Tel.: 040 370 981